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Optimizing Your Solution 3 – Cache Matching

Troubleshooting for server authentication

Mofiria’s vein authentication can be executed on the device or centrally on a server. However, when you are using server authentication, what if there is something wrong with the data communication or authentication server and the process can’t be done?

Surely it would affect your business greatly. There are many ways to prevent this critical situation such as building a backup server and communication line, introducing a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), introducing a cloud storage and so on. However, there is no perfect solution.

Cache Matching feature

In such case, we recommend using the cache matching feature, also referred to as the offline matching feature.
This feature enables doing offline matching in case the authentication server is unavailable due to some reason. Please note that it is only for 1:1 server authentication.
The steps of cache matching are as follows:

  1. Store sample data that is succeeded in server authentication.
  2. Transfer stored cache data to authentication device using Mofiria’s API when offline matching is required.
  3. Do matching process on device.
  4. The result returns to the client computer.

You can manage the history of this feature by repeating the steps above for each history.

Supported SDK and Device

This feature is supported by the following client and device controlling SDK:

All of the current authentication devices except Bluetooth connected device FVA-U4BT support this feature. However, some devices other than FVA-U4ST with some older firmware versions don’t.
Please contact us if you are not sure whether or not your device supports it.

Supported Product

SecureSuite V, a single sign-on solution developed by Uniadex, Ltd., supports Mofiria’s cache matching feature. For details, please contact us.

Author of this article

Tomohiro Yamada
mofiria Corporation
Senior Sales Manager
General Manager in Marketing
Finger Vein Recognition

Finger vein recognition is a sort of biometrics using finger vein patterns for verifying or identifying one person.

mofiria provides finger vein authentication devices and SDKs that combine the highest level of accuracy, speed and efficiency.

Biometrics and Security Blog
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