Biometrics for Attendance Management Part 2

On the Part 1, we explained the current problems and suitable biometric modality for attendance management.This Part 2 features several things that you have to decide to develop or implement biometrics-driven attendance management system, and the way how you consider to deciding those elements. Storage location of biometric information data The suitable storage location for biometric information data (template) depends on the scale, scheme or network configuration of corporation or organization that introduces the solution. It would be either of the following four locations:・Server (External storage)・Client computer・Biometric device・IC card In most cases for networked environments, the data would be stored in the server. For standalone environments, the general storage location […]

Biometrics for Attendance Management Part 1

Problems in Attendance Management The most frequent inquiries we mofiria recently receive may be about attendance management. They are hoping to implement some kind of biometrics into their own existing solution or a customized development for a specific company or organization. So many companies and organizations are still using IC cards, timecards or even hand-writing manually for recording attendance data.These operation methods have some problems about incorrect attendance data by proxy time recording of IC card or timecard, or by tampering the data.Especially, it can be a serious problem for corporations and organizations that employ many part-time workers for hourly wage.Also, it is not efficient to issue an IC card […]

Border Control Needs Biometrics

New Movement for Border Control Along with the recent worsening of security such as terrorist attacks, countries in Europe and the United States are focusing on improving the security of airports and stations. Biometric authentication technology has been largely closed up for the purpose of preventing entry of criminals. US-VISIT, introduced in the US in 2004, is one of the famous border control system using biometrics. Foreigners registered their fingerprints as well as their face, and fingerprint authentication is used for identity verification. Compared with the initial US-VISIT, stored biometric information in the system, there are many systems which try to use e-passport stored biometric information, to prevent illegal immigration. […]