Home » Countering Evolving Authentication Threats: Why Vein Recognition Matters Now » IC card based authentication product: FSS SmartLogon MFVA

IC card based authentication product: FSS SmartLogon MFVA


FSS SmartLogon is an authentication solution developed by Laurel Intelligent Systems that enhances a logon process to Windows computer to multi-factor authentication.
They have adopted mofiria’s finger vein authentication as an alternative option for password. It enables the product to provide the users with much more secured user authentication solution by preventing unfair uses of IC cards.

The risk for leaking of templates, data for finger vein information, is extremely low as any templates for each user are stored into a secured IC card. And compared to system that stores templates into server or external storage, it doesn’t have a risk for large amount of leak.
This product doesn’t need an authentication server as it adopts match-on-device method that any authentication process is done inside finger vein authentication device. It enables you to expand and deploy the system easily, as well as introduction from one license at least.
It is possible to adopt any IC cards for existing FSS SmartLogon users. It also possible to adopt only to specific terminals that requires secured verification.

Main Features

  • Manages logon to PC by IC card and finger vein authentication
  • Locks a terminal immediately just by detaching IC card
  • Manages ID and password for various enterprise systems and auto-sending function
  • Restricts any access to removable media and media drive
  • Records operation log


  • mofiria finger vein authentication device: FVA-U series
  • FSS IC card
  • FSS IC card reader/writer
  • FSS program CD-ROM

Used mofiria materials

Finger vein authentication device FVA-U4ST / FVA-U3SX / FVA-U2SXA / FVA-U2SX
Software development kit MMSDK-DCL-02 for Windows


This product can support a variety of combination and operations. For details, please feel free to contact us.
FSS SmartLogon Web site