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“Finger vein authentication Key BOX” is a battery-powered key box which uses mofiria FVA-E2SX module and a low cost microcomputer. FVA-E2SX has a RS-232C interface other than USB interface, and it allows the low cost microcomputer to control the device.

System Summary

The system consists of: 1) key pad to input ID of the user to be authenticated; 2) LED for indicating the status; 3) speaker for beep; 4) SD card to store the pre-enrolled template of the user; and 5) solenoid for door open/close.

The control operation is very simple as follows:

  1. Input ID of user to be authenticated.
  2. Load the corresponding template from the SD card using the ID, and import the template to FVA-E2SX.
  3. Detect the placement of a finger on the device, and send the authentication command to FVA-E2SX.
  4. After receiving the authentication result, microcomputer opens or closes the door.

System Diagram

Key BOX Specification

Usage Key Box Access Control
Power Signal processing: 5.0V
Door solenoid valve: 5.0V
Input Real template from a recording media using the ID number input
Recoding Media External Memory
Enrollment Enroll template using another system, and save template in recording media
Communication Inside chassis, connecty by RS-23C interface Unencrypted communication(*)
Door Unlock/Lock Unlock after successful authentication
Lock after certain period of time
Emergency Evoidance Long password, Use master key

* Template data is encrypted

Sequence chart (Basic operation)


Embedded FVA-E2SX to commercial Key BOX.

* The sample source code and design files available through “Development Kit for Physical Access Products

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